I couldn't go home today because my MTX levels were very high. I normally get to go home on Friday after starting the MTX on Wednesday. My MTX levels were 2.28 at 11am and 1.54 at 5pm.
Dr Lin said he didn't know why I wasn't excreting the MTX as well as previously, but he says it has happened to other patients before. They excrete it well the first few times and then they suddenly don't during the last cycle. But he said it's very rare. So I have to stay another night.
He gave me higher doses of folinic acid rescue compared to the last cycle. Usually he just gives me two doses of 15mg each. This time he gave me two of those, followed by two more doses of 30mg.
Mum's friend, aunty Nadya, sent us some food delivery from roomservicedeliveries.com. She runs a farm in Pahang so she couldn't come and visit me in hospital. She sent me a Starbucks frappucino and juice, an oyster omelette from Penang Village and some sushi from Sheraton Hotel. But chemo patients can't eat raw food due to the risk of bacterial infections, so mum ate the sushi. I can eat cooked or boiled sushi though.
My friends Meddina and Katrina came to visit and play with me. They used to go to my school, but they've both moved to different schools now. Katrina and her mum brought loads of toys for me: a Mermaid doll and seahorse, a Playdoh BBQ set and a very pretty fairy scrapbook kit. I was really thrilled with all the nice presents.
Later on, aunty Ivy (mum's friend) came over to visit and play with me too. She made lots of nice food and cakes with me using the playdoh. I really enjoyed doing that. She also brought meatballs and fries for us from Ikea. She helped to buy a laptop cushion from Ikea for mum to use in hospital. Mum always finds it difficult to work because she doesn't have a table plus she's worried about laptop radiation, cancer and tumours. The cushion was alright but mum says she might need to buy a proper foldable table to bring to hospital next time.
I was still vomiting today. I vomited right after I ate my evening dose of the prophylaxis Bactrim again. It's such a chore to take the Bactrim because the tablet is quite big and it doesn't taste nice. It helps prevent me from getting a nasty type of pneumonia that immunosuppressed people can get, but it is also used for a lot of other illnesses and infections.
I also vomited all over myself 2 hours after lunch. Mum had run out of clothes for me because I was vomiting so much these past few days. Luckily aunty Anita, Meddina's mum, had brought spare clothes for her so she gave me a Disney Princess dress to wear.
QOTD: "Why is it morning already? I'm still sleepy."
Blood count:
Haemoglobin 10.5 (Normal 13.0-18.0)
Platelets 218 (150-400)
Total White Blood Count or WBC 4.6 (4.0-11.0)
Neutrophils 84 (40-74)
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