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Monday, June 7, 2010

Friday 28 May 2010 - Treatment Day 148

I told mum yesterday that I wanted to go to school again today but I was a bit tired and I woke up quite late so I didn't feel like going after all.

Dad picked me up in the evening.

QOTD: "If mum sells me to another parent, they might not know I'm sick. Then they won't take me to hospital."


  1. What a cute photo! And this is something coming from me, a non-cat person! Hmmm, will mum use the money she gets from 'selling' you to go shopping??
    Take care Zara. Hugs and kisses from the twins too!
    Li Lian
    p/s your daddy lies? How naughty! :D

  2. Thanks! We took the photo off the Internet :D Erm, mum says no, she won't use it for shopping, promise! Happy birthday hugs to the twins, hope to see them again soon.
    p/s i was discussing with my cousin omar the other day about when our dads promise to do something but never execute.

  3. Hi, you haven't updated your blog in 6 months so i was wondering if your precious daughter is OK? I'm thinking of her....and you.

  4. Dear Mamapumpkin,
    So sorry for the late reply. Thank you so much for the thoughtful message, and for taking the time to read our blog. Unfortunately I have not managed to update it in the past few months as there's been a lot going on in our lives :) I also lost my phone in hospital sometime mid-2010, and it had a lot of data in it! I'd just like to let you know that Zara is doing very well in the sense that she is still in good remission, and she has started her 'long maintenance' this year which involves a lot less chemo sessions than last year. However, she has been in and out of hospital quite a bit due to infections and so on. In fact she was just discharged yesterday after being warded for an infection, but she developed a low-grade fever immediately after that, so am monitoring that in the hope that she won't have to be warded again this week! I have also been a bit busier with work lately but hopefully I will get to update the blog as soon as I can! Thanks so much for your thoughts, am grateful for the support :)
    ~Zara's mum
