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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Saturday 20 February 2010 - Treatment Day 52

I got a nice surprise today. Dr Lin said I could go home as the Amphocil was working and I didn't have a fever anymore. He had also increased the dosage back up, and my body didn't shiver or have a fever either, which was good. But he told mum that I would need to come back on Sunday or Monday if the fever came back.

Mum and dad were really pleased. Mum said it felt like breaking free from prison again. But when we got back, we saw that the plants at home had died again. But mum said she didn't mind.

Mum's friend aunty Sharon, has a brother whose job deals with bacteria and fungus and stuff. He checks hospitals and stuff for bacteria. So she got him to come to our house today with some swabs to see which places has a lot of bacteria, so that hopefully I won't get sick again or at least not for a few more months.

I got another surprise today, a package arrived from aunty Elisia (mum's friend). She'd sent me some lovely books for my birthday. One was Pippi Longstocking, which aunty Elisia said she loved when she was a little girl, and another was Kitchen For Kids which contained wonderfully scrumptious looking recipes for kids including Triple-Tier Fudge Cake and Strawberry Fudge Layer Cake.

Blood counts:

Haemoglobin 11.3 (13.0-18.0)
Platelets 741 (150-400)
Neutrophils 89 (40-74)

Today's bill: RM15,055.72

QOTD: "Can I go to school for my birthday party now?"

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