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Thursday, February 25, 2010

Wednesday 24 February 2010 - Treatment Day 56

I had to go back to hospital today for another block of chemo again. I wasn't very happy at all, and I told mum I just wanted to talk to Dr Lin and that was it. I didn't want any blood or medicine or water to be put into my chemoport. I don't like it at all. Mum said she would tell him.

But the nurses took blood from my chemoport for a blood test. And my counts were ok, so I had to do my chemo. It was the Ara-C chemo. I was really hungry while waiting so I had rice and fish which grandma had made for me. I was also bored so I did some of Tok Mummy's books and I read George's Marvellous Medicine again.

Grandma told Dr Lin that I had told her I'd wanted to be a chemo doctor like him when I grow up. He smiled and patted me on my cheek and said I could be anything I wanted to be provided I have the determination. He asked the nurse if he was right. She dutifully said yes.

After that, I had to go and see Dr Sofiah again. She made me walk about her office, and even run and jump. Mum was surprised to see that I could do a little of both. Dr Sofiah said my legs were much better and that I didn't need to take any more vitamin B. But she said I would need to take them again when I have to do the Vincristine chemo in a few months time.

On the way back, I was sick in the car. After that I was hungry again, so mum got me one of my favourite donuts from Big Apple on the way back.

Blood counts:
Haemoglobin 12.5
Platelets 501
Neutrophils 63

Today's bill: RM697.44 and RM366.05

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