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Monday, January 11, 2010

Thursday 31 December 2009 - Treatment Day 3

It is the last day of the year. One of the nurses said that if my room faced Sunway Lagoon, we would be able to see the fireworks at midnight. But my room doesn't, and I am on an IV drip so I can't move about.

The man from the blood lab came again and put another needle into my arm. I don't like him very much. He says all the children in hospital don't like him at all. Mum laughed.

I had to have a platelet transfusion today, because my count was low. Mum heard the fireworks later, she said it went on for a good 15 to 20 minutes.

Grandma came with two of her best friends. Aunty Debbie and uncle Chan (mum's friends) also came for a bit. They brought me some of my favourite chicken from KFC. They talked to mum downstairs.

It was the first time mum had left the hospital room since Monday. She said it was ironic that the first time she stepped out of the hospital room, a sick boy sneezed on her. She took a hot shower.

I just watched more telly the whole day. They kept showing High School Musical. I got bored.

Since I started taking the steroids, I have stopped liking chocolate, and have started craving salty foods instead.

The nice nurse who helped carry our luggage on the first day gave me a sheet of Disney Princess stickers.

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